Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Week's Meditation on Chastity

The Gospels address the theme of chaste love from many different angles. Christ's teaching on marriage convey understanding of the state of life toward which the consummation of chaste love is directed. His teachings on those who practice celibacy relates that this love, too, is directed toward a positive end, for the sake of the kingdom. Jesus' deepening on the laws against adultery include chastity as a matter of having a chaste mind and heart. May the Gospels' teaching on chastity draw you to deeper understanding of the virtue.

Sunday - John 8:2-11

Monday - Matthew 5:1-12

Tuesday - Matthew 5:27-30

Wednesday - Mark 7:14-23

Thursday - Matthew 19:3-12

Friday - Matthew 22-23-33

Saturday - Luke 1:26-38

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